Well, this weekend was the annual Halloween Party, and while Basketbawful and his pals decided jointly on a cowboy theme, I, of course, had to maintain my abnormal obsession with Larry Bird (and I'm too cheap to get all authentic with the cowboy gear).
However, I wasn't just repeating the
same costume as last year. No, sir. This year, I put a different slant on it that I think made the getup far more clever than just a Larry Legend rehash. See if you can guess what I am.
Hint: I might be confused with an iPhone app.

Yup, that's right. Much like the Superfriends have their Bizarro counterparts, much like I have my own arrogant, hyper-competitive alter-ego, Evil Ted, so does Larry Bird have his own dark doppelganger...

I think Angry Bird is going catch on, much like his feathery iPhone counterparts - I mean, come on...glowing locks, green blood, fireball basketballs? This is a comic book hero waiting to happen.

With the lockout doing such a number on our little corner of the world - I call on you, Bawful readers, to submit your most awesome Halloween costume pictures (basketball related or not) to me at ted.evil@gmail.com, and assuming the picture isn't obscene, we'll post it in an amusing collage of pics with other Bawful folks.
Oh, and
I appear to be on Twitter now. It's a great way to communicate with people in a frequent, brief, lazy manner. This could be a perfect medium, given that I think many Bawful readers collectively feel they've had enough of me after 140 characters anyway.
Labels: Angry Bird, Evil Ted, Halloween, Larry Bird