Looking for the latest breaking NBA news? Undoubtedly, then, you favor a reputable national sports network such as ESPN or Yahoo Sports. Allow me to be the first label you a misguided fool. It is those very sources where your news is filtered, homogenized, and censored. You're getting only the information some spin-doctor or PR person wants you to have. That's no way to keep your finger on the pulse of your favorite NBA team.
So where does an inquisitive basketball fan go? Why, straight to your team's Web site, of course. The elements of a team Web site often give you tremendous insight into the inner workings, morale, and self-image that a team has. Sometimes, the raw, unfiltered, usually unintended "secondary message" of a team is hitting you right in the face, and other times, you need to dig a little deeper. If you're persistent, you can always learn something that your other news outlets simply cannot report to you through their traditional means.
Let's begin:

Simple promotion to get some prep kids to shop with past and present Bulls players, or desperate attempt to find another opportunity to blatantly trot out the 6 Larry O'Briens? The last championship was in 1998, people! Furthermore, is MJ aware you took those out of his house for this photo shoot?
Secondary message: "Enjoy the six we've got, folks, because with all the talk about Derrick Rose winning us another six, we're not holding our breath."
This not only reminds me how Bears fans keep harkening back to 1986 (when they trounced my beloved Pats), but also makes me sad knowing that Tom Brady, Rodney Harrison and the Frozen head of Bob Kraft are going to hold a black-tie cotillion for their three Lombardi trophies in the year 2035.
This is a small, unassuming part of the Celtics home page, but it speaks volumes. This poll should read: "Which of these players will contribute least to a loss so humiliating that you drink far too much at the game, attempt to drive home from the TD Garden, get pulled ovah by a statey on the Mass turnpike, blow a .15, get charged with DUI and ruin your life even worse than it is going to be ruined by having to watch your ancient Celtics die a slow and agonizing death."
But I don't think that would fit into the box.
Secondary message: We're not getting Chris Paul. Prepare for the decline sooner rather than later.

Oops. Isn't that guy doing charity work in the middle there not on the team anymore?
Secondary message: Somebody in management
still can't believe he gave up Lamar Odom for nothing. Either that, or the Webmaster is neglecting his duties to hit the clubs and score a little blow. One or the other.

This is a kick-ass splash page, complete with a Hollywood-quality video and everything. It is super-cool and far outdoes the opening page of other teams. You should
check it out.
This brings us to the following truism: the predicted talent level of a team has an inverse relationship to the awesomeness of its splash page. In other words...
Secondary message: "Hope you like the splash page, folks. That's all there is. We're the friggin' Sacramento Kings, for God's sake. Did you hear
this California team's name getting bandied about with all this free agent posturing? Of course you didn't. Shut up and enjoy the video."
Guess who the Pacers just spent the rest of their money on?
Secondary message: Shiny new contract, giant double-basketball strong man pose - me thinks someone's due for a letdown year.

This Web site is nothing BUT Secondary Message: "The only thing we're positive is going to be here on opening day is this basketball." I wouldn't be so sure- the ball doesn't look that happy either.
Gosh, Mike Bibby looks spry and virile in this picture, doesn't he? Almost makes you think he's going be a solid contributor to the Knicks this year. Then look at the Photo acknowledgment:
Getty Images. For those of you not in the know, Getty is a premiere online creator of expensive, visually compelling imagery.
Secondary message: That picture may not only be Photoshopped, God knows what year it's from. In fact, isn't that a Hawks jersey? I guess they figured "Eh, the ball's covering everything but the "KS" part. Nobody'll know the difference...unless, of course, we stream a pic of current Bibby right after it...

...Yeah, here's who the Knicks
actually got. See that fella who looks like he just wandered to the top of the basement stairs with a Pabst Blue Ribbon in one hand and a remote control in the other? That's him.
76ers:The Sixers seem to have decided to forego a secondary message altogether, and are unnecessarily rough on themselves on their Web site:

OK, OK, I might have messed with that one a bit.
Nets:Were you not aware that Nets Owner Mikhail Prokorov has
decided to make a presidential run against Vladimir Putin? Well, a simple visit to the Web site would give you plenty of indication that something very Rocky IV is going on here...

I didn't mess with that graphic at all. I swear...
Anyway, if you're still trying to decipher why Dwight Howard is making such a push to become a Net, just go at it harder, and get a little deeper. That's what she said.

"Yeah...uhm...pay me whatever...do the girls wear those outfits when they're dancing?"
No bells or whistles here. Nothing nearly as impressive as that smokin' Sacramento Kings site (thus proving that whole inverse relationship truism thing). In other words...
Primary Message: We just signed Shane Battier.
Secondary Message: We just signed m*th*rf**king Shane Battier, and Udonis Haslem will be healthy, beyotches.
Third Message: We're coming. And we're a little more pissed off this time.
Allow me to quietly mope into a dark corner, curl into a fetal position, insert my thumb in my mouth, and prepare for the Heat-ocolypse.
And there you have it folks. All the insider news you could possibly handle, if you just know where to look and how to interpret it. Now find your own Secondary Message and send it on over.
And hey, might as well give you an early Christmas Present video. On my sister site,
Lemonwall, I have deposited my video review of the enormously complicated Board game associated with the classic film
A Christmas Story. Came out good - not Photoshopped Bibby good, but good.
Enjoy! Click Here and let the fun begin!
Labels: NBA, secondary message, web sites
a) We aren't that excited about our draft either.
b) We're pretty sure Kyrie Irving is gonna pull a Chris Paul in the next two weeks, but unlike with CP3, Stern will let it happen because he hates Dan Gilbert too.
c) Apparently Dan Gilbert really lost on the new CBA because there's no clause in rookie contracts that require players to go out of their way to be associated with their d-bag owner.
d) Don't be fooled by our simple front page - we're still going to suck this year... We just wanted to disprove Evil Ted's inverse correlation theory
No disrespect meant, and sorry if this was answered on a another thread, but...where is Bawful? I don't see any posts from him over the last few months.
Wade @ age 22: 16.2 ppg, 4ast, 4 rbs, 3,2 tov.
Gordon @ age 22: 22.3 ppg, 4.4ast, 2.4rbs, 2.7 tov.
And I wonder where CP3's fire was during the season. Was he just pulling an Ostertag?
Geert didn't say that Gordon was a great SG now. He said that he could be in a few years, at which point he'd be around 26 (which would just about be his prime). At that point Wade would be 33, with a lot of miles on his knees. Assuming that he'll play between 90-100 games a season (including playoffs), Wade will have almost 900 NBA games under his belt by the time he's 33 and it's not like his style of play is conducive to keeping him healthy.
Now, Gordon's GP stats don't show him to be A.C. Green (v 2.0) in the Ironman category, but it's not completely unreasonable, based on his improvement last season, to think that he could be a better shooting guard than Wade in 3-4 years.
Of course, some of that improvement could have been due to playing with Griffin, who was certainly drawing some attention away from Gordon. In NO, it seems like Gordon will be the primary option, so I expect his usage stats to go up, but he'll be drawing a lot more defensive attention, so he might be much less efficient.
Also, Geert's point about Paul wasn't that he wasn't any good (he did say that he was the best point guard right now, after all), but that he has gimpy knees, which points to a potential decline earlier rather than later. I don't think anyone would dispute that. In fact, a cursory glance at Paul's stats would show that they've already declined (although that could be due to outside factors that have nothing to do with him as a player).
And you know it's him, too, since neither one of the Scalabrines got to play, even in a pre-season game.
You get me?
Great, so Kendrick Perkins was traded for 2 guys who aren't playing this year...thanks a lot Ainge you stiff.
Afraid to say the words "Clippers are strong contenders"?
hei, hope all is ok with team bawfull, and let's carry on the good work!!!!
Dwight howard rejects world peace!
World peace has not been effective tonight!
Lebron has stopped World Peace tonight!
World Peace has stopped Carmelo from performing at a high level!
World Peace is starting very slow!
World Peace has run into the stands!
Of course there are a tons more. Can't wait for Shaq on TNT and LA annoucing for WORLD PEACE!
On purpose or typo?
Look, don't hop on the Clippers bandwagon. Think "Don Sterling" and "Clippers Curse." Chris Paul has a bum knee, how can we expect him to survive a year intact with the Clips. It makes me so sad to think of it.
World Peace ejected
Kobe disavows World Peace
KG can't stand World Peace
Lakers fans disappointed with World Peace
That's empirical fact.
Not even Tebowing could help them.
What is Tebowing?
(vb) to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.