I should really be in bed right now, but Basketbawful reader Utahraptor sent in this video of the Lakers' contract negotiations with Lamar Odom and I had share it. I don't have many rules in life, but one of them is that if a YouTube video makes me giggle like a little girl, I post it. So...here you go.
Yeah,these clips are great..If you search you'll find many more like this,about football teams.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQHb-xyQsKs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP8uWWpkSFY&feature=PlayList&p=EDFE2D5787B741AD&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_7mhflhuAc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8K7qN2rH1k
His days of showing up 15min before tip-off with a mouthful of now 'n laters are OVER!!
Also, this is such a powerful scene- the seriousness of what is taking place is in such stark contrast with the snarky-ass subtitles, it's hard to process everything at once. You have to totally tune-out the voices and just read.
Thanks, 'bawful.
seriously, i'll never go to a candy store now without think of "negotiations." thanks. :D
Also, this is such a powerful scene- the seriousness of what is taking place is in such stark contrast with the snarky-ass subtitles, it's hard to process everything at once. You have to totally tune-out the voices and just read.