You can tell Tim Duncan was really fired up for this commercial. And Manu? Well, all I can say is that if you were wondering what to get him for his next birthday, I'd go with balloons.
The Gunn people knew following up that commercial was going to be hard. I mean, what could be better and funnier than Manu Ginobili? Why, two Manu Ginobilis of course! This is the same theory that says that if one Leprechaun movie was good, six Leprechaun movies would be Princess Leia in the gold bikini good!
Oh, and apparently, Manu likes brisket too. Enough to bring a little beef to the team huddle. And no, that wasn't a double entendre.
Also, did you know that Manu has a creepy puppet? Well, he does.
Lastly, how about a little mouth harp from Manu? Now that Heath Ledger has tragically passed away, I think we've found his replacement for Brokeback Mountain II.
You should totally do all of the Tim Duncan H-E-B commercials. They are so hot.