Okay, I wanted the graphic for this post to be a picture of
Tarman from
The Return of the Living Dead om nom nomming on some yummy gray matter. Sadly, I couldn't find one.
Anyway, the 2010-11 NBA season is nearly upon us. Basketbawful will continue to provide you with daily fart humor in the form of the following:
Worst of the Night
Lacktion Reports*
Worst of Night in Pictures*
Basketbawful After Dark*
Worst of the Weekend
Words of the Day
Bawful Comics
*This presumes my co-horts Chris, Dan B, AnacondaHL and Wild Yams continue to provide support. I'm crossing my fingers guys. Don't let me down. Or I will cry.
However, I'm completely and totally open to suggestions. Are there features and functions that would improve the Basketbawful experience? It's hard to imagine this site becoming any more awesome. Is it even medically possible? I don't know.
That's where you come in, dear readers. I am creating this open thread for your suggestions. Make is as wild and wooly as you like. Essentially, this is a mass brainstorming session. Some suggestions may not be feasible, but the influx of new ideas is always good.
Let's do this.
Labels: fan submissions
Who wouldn't want to know what Brian Scalibrine or Adam Morrison does if neither of them get contracts this year. More info on Starbury perhaps? etc.
A weekly update would be enough for this, as doing it daily could be overkill.
Making this site more awesome is probably not medically possible. Josh is right you and the rest of the crew already are doing a great job as it is.
I do like Sorbo's idea though, the weekly top 5 Bawful Board sounds like something that would provide me with a nice laugh every week.
I'm already counting on Erick Dampier to take his bawful talents to either Miami or Chicago.
And similar to what Sorbo suggested, a weekly/monthly most "valuable" player tally of the league's trillionaires, ranked by minutes played.
Really just suggesting these since you asked, thought last season's coverage was great as is.
wv:scrablat, like Shaq playing scrabble
In the spirit of Bawful, how about an "overpaid player of the night" segment? Namely, the player that contributed the least relative to his bloated, career-year, ridiculous salary. (Note: Eddy Curry is the lifetime achievement winner of this award, and thus not eligible for it on a daily basis).
Keep up the good work crew, this site rocks and I appreciate all of your hard work and dedication.
Other than that, I'd just love seeing the WotN's again.
But really, I love you just the way you are. Don't ever change. The website. I mean... the website...
The white man dunk contest!
The worst turnover of the season so far!
Worst shooters in the league by percentage so far! FG% and 3pt%
As everyone else says, your blog is super successful, and reading it everyday is just a high point in the day.
I love the comic strips, a weekly edition would be more than welcomed. A year wise lacktion report.
If you want to jump on the Heat bandwagon, you could do the anti-version of ESPN's Heat Index, chronicling the bench warmers of the NBA's least favorite Florida team.
Bawful Call of the Night
Bawful Technical of the Night (e.g. ass slap ejections!)
Bawful Official Overreaction of the Night (assuming the new rules are enforced lamely)
Looking forward to an entertaining year! Thanks!
Sadly enough, wrong. That honor would go to Jerome James. I mean, Eddy Curry actually played and wasn't half-bad...at times. But Jerome? People were accusing him of stealing money before he even stepped onto the court. And surprise...he proved them right by barely stepping onto the court at all. It's not like he was injured or anything...he certainly wasn't injured when he tricked the Knicks into paying him based on his spirited playoff effort against the Kings. He was simply a lazyass motherfucker who didn't like being a basketball player but liked being paid as one.
Ooh, and before I forget - did you know that Jerome once attended a Knicks practice drunk? Granted, it was a New Years day practice. (whose bright idea was that?) But if your employer insists you come into work, you should at least show up in suitable shape.
winnetou -- I plan on doing some NBA 2K11 My Player stuff. I actually still need to post a few more highlights from the last several games I played in 2K10 before my PC started acting up (and I lost interest since we got so close to 2K11 and the promise of improved gameplay and fixed bugs). But anyway, I'm actually buying a new video card for my PC in the next few days (my current one is apparently dying, thanks to Bawful reader Joe for helping me confirm that as best as I can), so I'll be getting NBA 2K11 running strong in no time.
Barry -- Oh yes, the Null Star game must return. That was way too much fun. A lot of work to set up, but totally worth it.
But speaking of man-love, I have been waiting a few years for a basketbawful man-love gallery (I believe you mentioned that a long while back). You could also have a gallery of the past basketbawful banners, because they have always been epic and have real historic value.
Also, since the yearly / monthly / weekly Awards are such a big topic, how about a monthly or weekly Award Watch for the Least Valuable Player, the Worst Defender, the Worst Starter, the Worst Coach and the Opposite of the Most Improved Player?
Whatever - keep up your great work!
Correction, Jerome James "tricked" precisely one person, or more precisely one worst GM of all time - Isiah Thomas. Of course I think all that takes is something shiny.
vw: uncese. my admiration for this site, the writers and the readers is uncesed
Correction, Jerome James "tricked" precisely one person, or more precisely one worst GM of all time - Isiah Thomas. Of course I think all that takes is something shiny.
And because of that, it's obvious he has the potential to trick Mr. KAHN into getting a contract. :D
Obviously this site is super popular with the fans. I remember it even getting linked a few times from ESPN, so the journalists read it as well. What I wonder is how many coaches or players in the NBA read it. I mean I dont think any of the serious ballers sit around reading blogs. But man wouldn't it be awesome if Nate Robinson is looking at his statsheet at the end of the night, and scared to death about what Basketbawful would say about him the next day.
So that leads me to the only possible way this site could get better, is if a few of you are lurking NBA staff, we need you to post, stories, commentary anything! Do it anonomously so that Darth Stern won't air choke you. But I would like to hear some basketbawful direct from the NBA.
I see a lot of calls for the Daily Kobe, but it might be fun for something new this year to instead do the Daily LeBron, since he seems to have possibly overtaken Lord Mamba for the league's most despised player (unless that's racist of me to say, of course).
Man, even as a Laker's fan, the daily Kobes were too good. Those are must-haves on your posts. If you want to switch it up you can have daily-Heats, where Bosh suffers under Wade and James.
It doesn't necessarily have to be someone who sucks. It can be a solid player whose contract just happens to really hamstring a franchise. Like Kenyon Martin for the last few years, or Joe Johnson going forward.
I also love Murcy's suggestion of a "what would ______ do" segment, where you pick a bad GM, player, or ref and ask how they'd handle a situation. What would Violet Palmer, Isiah Thomas, or Ron Artest do in this situation?
How about a "good-bad player of the night" segment, specifically focused on players who put coaches in that difficult spot of deciding whether to keep them on the court for their prowess in one area, or yank them for their deficiencies in another. Like, guys who can drop 20 points without getting a single rebound or assist, or guys who get a ton of rebounds but can't hit a bucket from more than 2 feet out, or guys who block a ton of shots but always end up out of position and give up offensive rebounds because of it.
wv: recur (an actual dictionary word!) Many of these suggestions were made before, and now they recur in the thread.
no finals appearances since 1951!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the idea of the top 5 bawful players of the week, month and year, too.
Another great idea was that one about the banners, I want to know whose are those faces!
NBA 2K11 rocks, maybe we can compare our achievements, and see who is the greatest ballhogger with the jordan challenges, or maybe try to revive great moments with the old teams in the game (Yes! Larry is waiting for you!) and stuff like that.
I'm not sure if Matt knows someone called Vlad Sharkov, I think he could be the designer of the "By the horns" blog, but maybe he's another Vlad, or maybe they don't get along, who knows. The thing is that this so-called Vlad runs another blog (slamdumb.com) that has a comic section with some funny stories. I think it could be a good idea to include some drawn comic here, even the ones from that site (despite I don't like how Vlad has been writing from a long time; but he's a Phoenix fan and it scores on his side).
I'm happy this season will begin soon.
In "ball!" we trust.
I had a brief, fleeting idea about a "Basketbawful Fantasy... er, Nightmare League", where before the season officially kicks off, a league comprised of contributors and regular commenters holds a draft on one of the fantasy sites, but instead of picking teams that will statistically dominate, you'd pick teams of lacktioneers... I dunno, I'm getting bored just trying to flesh out this idea.
a fantasy draft where the idea is to accumulate as shitty of a team as possible (with the rule that all players must be medically eligible) and then the winner, as in golf, is the team w/ the lowest score. Yr segment could be weekly standings, recaps, or not.
i honestly like the idea of a running board where you just put a pic of Sasah Vujacic's face with his weekly averages. I like it better than a Bottom 5, b/c you could play yr way off a bottom 5 list, whereas Sasha can never play well enough to make you forget he's Sasha Freaking Vujacic.
Also you need a picture of Devean George in yr banner. He has earned that right, I think.
The Bawlful trades last year was pretty amusing.
Maybe a history channel type thing of the worse trades/moves of all time.
Episode one- AI to Detroit.
Episode two- Kwame Brown & Darko.
A round of applause for your hard work!!!
And a special cheer to the NBA for providing endless material!!!
PS: can you compile in one place all the "words of the day"?
PS2: here's a thought (hard to implement in short time?): how about a fantasy game?? Readers would choose a roster of 10, and each day would choose 5. Then you could keep the daily score of each player based on FG% (the fewer the better), turnovers, technicals, Marios, trillions... think about it
1) Bawful Announcer of the Night. Post a pic and one or more homertastic or ignorant quotes. There should be a gold mine of material. Pretty much any time Tommy opens his mouth will be a candidate. I still remember fondly when Zeke was still announcing and he spoke of how someone 'drave' into the lane (past tense of drive?)
2) Bawful prediction or 'analysis' of the night. It is hilarious to look back at Simmons' draft night or preseason predictions. I've also really enjoyed the well informed commentary on the Wolves all summer. Apparently the demands of NBA column writing are such that it is easier to ignore the Pekovic/Beasley/Webster/Johnson additions and just talk about how many PGs they have.
The race to the bottom idea is great too.
My top 3 favourites from this thread:
1) Bawful contract of the night
2) Daily LeBron/Superfriends
3) Race to the bottom
Hahahaha!! Excellent.
I wonder if I thought of it independently or if I skimmed over Yam's comment and it somehow entered my brain subconsciously...
Either way, I look like idiot. TGIF...
Also, as mentioned earlier, end of year LVP. Maybe add in monthly polling and tracking.
I am also planning to get league pass for broadband, at least, presuming that my connection can handle it - pretty sure that it can.
On the topic of playoff games, last year I watched a great deal of the finals on the internet, on a site that is flagrantly illegal. I will do the same this year in the case that League Pass doesn't let you watch the playoffs. Ditto for my locally broadcast games.
Shoot me an email and I can send you the name of the site I used.
Last time I had the NBA season pass it was only for the "Season" meaning you don't get any play off games.
Plus on top of that all of the Laker games would get blacked out because they were broadcasted by the local T.V. stations.
Oh and yeah, you don't get to watch any of the games that are aired on TNT, ESPN or ABC.
So you would pretty much not be able to see all the good games.
On the plus side though, you get to watch all of the Bucks, Nets, Clippers, Timberpoops, Raptors, Sixers and Warriors games.
Really cool huh, that was the biggest turn off for me.
I wanted to be able to watch the Lakers on my laptop while on the road but alas.
Does anybody know if the NBA league pass does still work in the same shitty way?
Thanks for your response. I hope this gets sent to your email so I can receive said illegal information!
They have to. The laws on blackouts in TV vs. streaming are terrible and really ought to be revised, but as of right now, they have to operate that way. The NHL does the same thing with their streaming video service. (Thankfully I'm a Penguins fan and live well outside of their market, so I don't have to worry about all of their games getting blacked out, just some of them)
Boy, Durant looks freaking HUGE while standing next to Lebron.
*Worst missed call/worst wrong call of the week/month
*Worst rookie (list bottom of the pack in minutes/performance)
*Rate technical fouls for flamboyance/anger/whether the player had a case for b*tching
*Worst off court distraction/issue
*Lebron travel count
*Star call/non-call count
*Worst free throw brick of the week/month
*Worst missed dunk
*Worst dressed coach or assistant coach
*Worst bench body language
Can you please post this in your next column? It seems particularly basketbawful to me. A caption along the lines of "What's wrong with this page?" might suffice.
League Pass is for regular season only. Last year you had to buy the playoff LP to watch any games, but i doubt it will be available in the US.
Chris i also sent you an e-mail to check if we used the same site
He's back baby!!!! He's back!!!!
Maybe in 2k11/12 he'll just be a rainbow-colored polygon stuffed in an NBA jersey.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
You can name the section Bawfully Consistent or something...