There was a whole lotta man lovin' going on in last night's Spurs-Lakers game. Package grabbing? Check. Ass grabbing? Check. Suggestive lip smacking? Check, check and
check. (I apologize if I missed a submission or forgot to credit someone. If that's the case, email me or leave a comment and I'll get it fixed up quicker than a Tony Parker flop.)
eljpeman (via the Yahoo! Sports NBA page) showed me "How the West is Won." (Apparently, winning the West has something to do with Kobe's genitals.)

Then emma noticed that Timmy seems to have a fixation on Pau's "fertile Spanish valley." And Pau looks... say the least.

Mico pointed out that the only way for Ronny Turiaf to stop Ginobili is by grabbing for his Mini Manu. Which, of course, is exactly what Ronny did. Note the great look on Sasha's face.

But joel let me know that Manu can do more than just take it. He can also dish it out. Or is that more of a scoop?

Basketbawful reader ishlifyhead -- who hails from from Manila, Philippines -- got an, uh, interesting screen grab of Mamba during his postgame comments. I guess Kobe had the fever for the flavor of some man love.

And finally, here's Robert Horry reaching for Lamar Odom's
man region. And getting unreasonably excited about it, I might add.

Labels: fan submissions, Los Angeles Lakers, man love, San Antonio Spurs
"Not in public, Robert! You know that!"
Also, Philippines represent!