Michael Jordan discusses the intricacies of Rock, Paper, Scissors with Captain JackThe latest news on Antoine Walker's delightfully bawful comeback* --
he plans on signing with the Idaho Stampede. This is glorious. Of course the one little caveat is that this is pending a background review. Considering this
is Antoine "I have gambling debts galore!" Walker we're talking about, you never know...
Can we even really consider it a comeback? It is just the D-League after all... If he actually makes it back onto an NBA roster, then I'll call it a comebackWant to drink for free? Head down to the Whiskey Tango in Hollywood, FL --
they're handing out free drinks whenever the Miami Heat lose. And it's cost the bar $30,000 in free drinks so far this season. Don't worry -- the owners aren't complaining since it's giving them plenty of publicity. However, if they start doing this for Clippers games too, they'll be in trouble.
And before I forget to mention it: R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen. I have much respect for the master of deadpan delivery.
Worst of the Weekend in Pictures:
Wow, good thing nobody comes to Miami games. This could have been dangerous!
You must be this tall to play
Someone please go tell Hedo that his team actually is winning this game
"What the hell are you looking at? Never seen a grown man hug his invisible friend before?"
Here are some things Vince Carter loves:
1) Being injured
2) Ill-fitting suits
This suit, on the other hand, is stylish by 1970s ABA standards
Donte Greene is sad
Tom Thibodeau enjoys making Donte Greene sadNationally Televised Games:Rockets at Mavericks, NBA TV, 8:30pm: Dallas just keeps on winning. Houston just keeps on being slightly worse than mediocre, but slightly better than Clippery bad.
All the Other Games:Wizards Generals at Heat, 7:30pm: As bad as things are in Miami right now, at least they aren't the Generals. Aside from, you know, being a team based in Washington DC, the Generals are banged up. John Wall is questionable, Yi Jianlian is still busy sitting on chairs instead of posting them up. Al Thornton likely will be out as well. The team is winless away from home this year, but gets to play 5 of their next 6 on the road. Damnation. And I'd like to point out that the Heat are
still over .500, so it could be much, much worse, Miami fans.
Hornets at Thunder, 8pm: Since relocating to OKC, the Thunder have not beaten the Hornets when Chris Paul has been in the lineup. Dude just owns them. He's even got a sweet little certificate of ownership and everything.
Bucks at Jazz, 9pm: Milwaukee's got the injury blues almost as bad as Washington. Bogut, Gooden, Maggette, and Delfino are all injured at the moment. Though I'm pretty sure losing Maggette is addition by subtraction.
Labels: Antoine Walker is coming back in the D-League, Bawful After Dark
5-0, and Barcelona's goal keeper could literally have stayed at home. It was like watching the Lakers go on a road game in Boston and lose 120-50.
Speaking of the Heat, why doesn't Spolestra grow some balls and bench James for the show of disrespect?
Actually, the fact NO ONE stood up for the coach is a sign that his days are numbered. If KG bumps Rivers, Pierce would get in his face. If Bryant bumped Phil Jackson, Fischer would call him out. If Igodala bumps Doug Collins.....ok bad example.
Good points. Note that in your analogies you used veteran players who had rapport with the coach (Rivers-Pierce, Fischer-Jackson). On the Heat, you have a bunch of young guys who don't really know "Coach Spo". Wade is the guy who needed to step up and say something, but he has never been a formal or vocal leader; more a "lead by example" guy. But if Spoelstra has any hope on this team, Wade needs to defend him a little more vigorously.
Problem is, can ANYONE- coach or player- stand up to LePrimadonna?
After Dwyane Wade airballed a dunk attempt (hereafter known as "pulling a Joel Anthony"), the Miami announcers came back with this gem. "That hangnail is really bothering him".
I've been laughing for the past 2 minutes. Bawful in it's purest form right there.
KHayes666 -- What if Antoine Walker returns.....to the Heat?
That's brilliant.
Thanks LeDouche!
Now, 8 years of unfettered adulation has finally gotten to him. If you think about it, it's actually kind of impressive it took him this long to turn into a ginormous d-bag.
...HAHA! That is stunningly bawful. Well done, Anonymous.
Yams -- Just ribbin' ya a little. :)
Yes, anyone CAN call Lebron out for not taking responsibility for the team's failures....the problem is do they want anyone on Lebron's payroll (Bosh, Wade, Stern, ESPN, Heat tv and radio announcers, Miami fans and assorted superfans) flooding the media with backlash against this person for calling him out?
and then juwan howard channeled his inner-hulk.
i wonder if he would kill nick young if the ref wasn't standing there.
just lovin' this happy miami collective.
when was that? i like to see.
It's something a kid would say when their mom makes them apologize for hitting their brother or something.
"That guy might be getting off, but the other guy [isn't]."
he even used to make porn faces
Surely everyone here would be in favour of seeing the starting forwards for the West being Gay Love?
Just remember Memphis had the opportunity to do this a couple of years back but decided to trade Mayo for Love. Coincidence, I think not.
So I implore you all, vote GAY LOVE!