boo birds (boo burds) noun. Fans who boo the home team when the team loses or is playing badly.
Usage example: The boo birds come out early in New York.
Word Trivia: Few things are as demoralizing to a professional basketball player as getting jeered by the home crowd. These men are used to being showered with money and adulation, so it can be somewhat of a shock when they find out that the fans' unconditional love is actually kind of conditional. Cities like New York and Philidelphia are notorious for booing the home team, usually early and often, when things don't go their way. Seriously, Knick fans will boo after their team surrenders a 2-0 run. But the boo birds come out everywhere. Tracy McGrady got his share of catcalls when he played for Orlando, and it made him "sick to my freaking stomach." Even Lebron James has felt the heat this season, getting booed in Cleveland during a particularly horrific shooting night (he was 0-for-8 in the second half and shot only 8-for-19 from the line for the game). Oh well. Now he knows how Stephon Marbury feels every single day of his life.
Kind of makes you want to follow them to theirjob and boo them when they make a mistake.