Since it's one of those crappy days on which I've got nothing better to offer you, here's something stupid I did last February right after
Bonzi Wells and Mike James were traded from the Houston Rockets to the New Orleans Hornets. I had just picked up
Comic Book Creator 2.0 and was having a blast messing around with it (which is why you might have noticed an explosion of word balloons here and in my Deadspin columns). This comic portrayal of the Hornets' post-trade press conference was originally created solely for the purpose of entertaining the Basketbawful crew...but since I'm suffering from a bad case of blogger's block, here you go.

Labels: Bonzi Wells, Byron Scott, Mike James, press conferences, Yao Ming
But what really amazes me is that you see normal press conference photos and this what you think.
Particularly because you don't charge me. I mean jeeze Bawful... Chad Ford CHARGES me to read crap less insightful than this post... like say scouting reports on how amazing Yu Jilian is going to be.... (facpalms).
Zai jian,
Yi Jianlian
anyways, funny as hell. there's no such thing as an "off" day for u.
i'm easily amused, by the way.