
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The new banner: A note of thanks

Most of you have already noticed the new Basketbawful banner. I'd love to take credit for its wicked-awesomeness, but it's actually the work of loyal bawfulite Stephen Robbins. And to tell the truth, I made very few suggestions. Stephen simply used his own estimable talents along with what he knew about Basketbawful's rich and Ostertag-laden history to design a graphic that pretty accurately represents what this site's all about. Stephen: You rock.

What's that, you say? You wish Stephen could do something similar for your Web site, blog and/or bar mitzvah? Well, you're in luck. Stephen is a graphic designer for hire. Check out Stephen's Designs for more information. Feel free to tell him Basketbawful sent you.


  1. there are some major layoring issues.

  2. Where ir ron artest? Otherwise awesome

  3. It's terrific - particularly Chris Quinn, what the hell? It's like Rod Serling had babies with a gnome.
    Is there a bigger resolution available?

  4. Dudes. Quit hitting refresh.

    Bawful will post the next installment soon.

  5. There's an absurd lens flare coming from the center of the pic that should really be located lower on the Pryz groin contact.

  6. who are the 2 guys surrounding Stan VG? And the one in tie?
    I LOVE the detail (tell me it was on purpose!!!!) of Ming pooping over Bavetta...

  7. bob -- I'm not sure what you're talking about. Me not so good at graphic design.

    Anonymous -- Hm. Good point. I might have to ask Stephen to add Ron-Ron.

    Jeff -- Yes. I had to shrink it to get it to fit the blogger template. I'll post the higher res copy on Flickr later and provide a link.

    AnacondaHL -- I'm guessing Stephen added that flare for a reason, and chose the location for a reason. I guess he didn't want to photo manipulate Vanilla Godzilla's crotch.

    stockton -- Wha...?! The guy in the tie is none other than Stephon Marbury, blowing bubbles on the Knicks bench last season.

    I would guess that Stephen made Yao poop on Bavetta on purpose. But you'd have to ask him to be sure.

  8. Thanks for including Korver's gay elf defense, I giggle like a school girl every time I see it.

  9. Stellar work, gents. I especially like how Yao is stepping on Dunleavy's callow, useless throat and that half-naked Peja remains. That picture can't ever not be funny.

    However, Zach Randolph is a little upset he was disincluded. He demands a recount.

  10. The "suit" I was asking about is the one behind Sasha's butt... but I admint I confused Marbury with Byron Scott.

    Let's face it: Isiah belongs in the banner. He's like Obi-Wan after his death. His force can still be felt around NY.
    Also for Kobe... come on, give Kobe some space. To end, you could also push in that Garnett-Alien lookalike-F-bomb pic. Priceless!
    By the way, does any of those pics belong to the "Mario"?

  11. Yao squatting on Dick Bavetta is priceless. Great logo!

  12. needs more pimp-wally.

  13. The banner is great - except for one thing.

    It needs a crab dribble reference.

    Where's AnacondaHLs crab with the basketball?

    Otherwise, fantastic.
